by George A. Ricker


by B.L. Gilmore

Godless in America
conversations with an atheist

by George A. Ricker
ISBN 0-595-39101-X

iUniverse 2006

now available by clicking:


GOD . . .or NO GOD?

You won't see 26 models wearing matching outfits. You won't get to touch knuckles with Howie Mandel. George does let you see what's in the "other briefcases." He also lets you decide whether to keep the one you have or trade it for something else. This is a test in how much you believe what you're holding onto is right for you.

We're not talking about cash amounts here. The subject is religion, and you don't have to agree with the author's views to gain from this book. It's not a speech or declaration or a ploy to sway anyone from one religion to another, or to none at all. Instead, it is a candid discussion about atheism and why it has become the choice of many.

It's funny, it's informative, it poses a challenge to everyone who reads it.

George is quick to dispel myths about atheists. He clears the air for those who feel atheists must be - among other things - evil, immoral, self-centered, corrupted or devil-worshippers. As he puts it, "What makes atheists atheists is that they have no belief in a cosmic critter of any description."

George was an active church member before he chose to question the beliefs he'd been raised with, beliefs that perhaps never seemed to fit quite right. Whereas so many spend a lifetime searching for "life's answers," George has not only dared to seek these answers, but to accept them, even when they're controversial. There's a certain inner peace when one begins living one's own "truth." He phrases it, "I felt like someone who finally has been restored to health after a long, lingering illness."

He discovered that it was "better to be 'whole' than 'holy.'"

This book touches everyone. Everyone seeking their own true belief should read it, and that includes the politically interested/involved; religious; non-religious; mystics; women's rights activists; stem cells and pink elephants. (Read the book to know what I mean)

George allows us a glimpse into his personal life (see Chapters 6 and 10) and he addresses the debate over Sunday mail (bet you never thought about how that started, did you?). The book reads like a conversation - I read it in one sitting, and those who know me know that's rare.

He challenges the reader throughout the book with "mind experiments" by asking the same compelling questions of every reader, whether you believe in the widely-accepted Christian God; some other god/goddess; multiple gods/goddesses; or no gods/goddesses at all.

So read it cover to cover before you ask yourself what you truly believe. Be ready, because your answer could surprise you.

(Five out of Five Stars)






BL Corcoran



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